What we do

Sharing hope around the globe thru



U4F in partnership with Local Churches have caring adults available once a week for a minimum of 30 minutes to an hour in Elementary school sites to provide to students a positive influence, be role models, teach them honor, integrity, ethics, morals, honesty as well as the benefits to obtaining an education. This gives young people a window to look through and will prepare them to embrace a brighter future.

Get Motivated Sessions

U4F mentoring sessions allow Professionals in our community such as doctors, engineers, lawyers and etc… to share about their career and how they have overcome obstacles in order to inspire and empower the new generation to dream bigger and believe that they also have what it takes to be successful and significant in our community.


U4F in partnership with Local Churches provide tutors to help students with Homework, Math proficiency, English, School Project as well as other class duties in order to equip them with all the tools they need to succeed and move ahead in life.

Recreational Event

U4F in collaboration with Local Churches organize Community Events with activities such as sports, games, gifts exchange, face painting and training with volunteering student athletes from local universities. This is to provide an opportunity to reward youngsters who are in the mentoring program as an incentive to stay on the right track and also for mentors and tutors to interact with kids and their families to develop a personal relationship.


Mission Trip

U4F in partnership with Local Churches in Fresno organizes mission trip to the Congo to serve those in need along side of the Congolese people from various churches in order to teach them about the missional heart of God and to learn from them what God has been doing for them in the midst of what we perceive as impossible poverty and suffering.


Clinic Construction in DRC

U4F is in the process of equipping a new Health Care Facility with adequate laboratory and clinical area and equipment in order to provide diagnosis, blood work and basic medical care and be able to attend to the need of more Congolese people, victims of the war and poverty.